Own Your Body

I always remember feeling very conscious of what other people's opinions were of my body. I always was put at the back of the dance class because I was tall, but deep inside I believed it was because I was one of the "large" girls. Whenever I heard someone say something about my appearance I felt a wave of anxiety overcome me.

What people don't realise is how damaging these comments can be to any normal human being. These comments have the power to destroy a person's entire sense of self, even through the best of intentions. It was one of the biggest challenges I had to overcome on how to receive comments without it affecting my progress. I soon learned that people who are supportive of your goals don't make comments like these unless asked. It also wouldn't hurt to ask those in your immediate circle to not talk about appearance if you are having difficulty to build your own self-esteem, because
“your body is none of anyone's business. Their opinion is not your responsibility.”
That includes your own. The best thing about the singer Adele is not her body, it's her iconic voice. There is more to us than the number on the scale. Some people may have the perfect physique but they are rotten on the inside and extremely unhappy! Here's a few tips on how to handle negative comments below:

If someone comments on your looks they usually struggle with a bad body image themself, since that is what they focus on. Have a bit of compassion.

Thank them for noticing, politely remind them it's none of their business. Change the subject to something healthy or more interesting.

Don't join in on conversation around diets & weightloss. It's none of your business and try to change the subject where possible. You don't need that negativity in your life. Or simply remove yourself from the situation.

Check in with your breathing in the midst of these conversations. Sometimes anxiety gets triggered and you forget to breathe resulting in more anxiety after the comment. Just breathe and know their comment does not have to be your responsibility.

The scale does not determine your worth.

Sometimes people want to comment because they are truly worried, but they don't always realise how distressed you are about having the conversation. If you feel safe to open up, it's okay to mention that it's something you are working on. But keep it brief, you have the right to choose your support circle and that is 100% okay. The more I opened up to my support system the more it encouraged me to look for what else I have going for me instead. Today when I receive a comment about my looks, it doesn't have the power to ruin my day.

Own your body and who get's to have a say over it. Make it a temple for love and positivity.

With love,
Odine xx


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